Sound Bar
Enjoy drinks and tunes. Open from 6 pm, free admission.
with Esther Keller, Regierungsrätin
Tinguely Shortcut Guided tour
Free admission, no booking required, in German
Duration: approx. 20 min.
Meeting point: ticket office
Tinguely Shortcut Guided tour
Free admission, no booking required, in English
Duration: approx. 20 min.
Meeting point: ticket office
Roche 'n' Jazz | Peter Evans' «Being & Becoming»
in cooperation with the bird's eye jazz club
Costs: museum admission
Guided tour for families
Costs: museum admission, no booking required, in German
Guided tour for people with visual impairments and blind people
Guided tour for people with visual impairments and blind people through the exhibition Fresh Window.
Free admission, no booking required, in German
Guided tour Fresh Window
Costs: museum admission, no booking required, in German
Guided tour Collection Jean Tinguely
Free admission, no booking required, in German
Guided tour Collection Jean Tinguely
Costs: museum admission, no booking required, in German