
28 avril 2023, 4-6 pm

Roche 'n' Jazz Mark Sherman Quartet

in cooperation with the bird's eye jazz club
Costs: museum admission

Joe Magnarelli: trumpet
Mark Sherman: piano
Stephan Kurmann: bass
Bernd Reiter: drums

Subtle modern jazz with lyrical moments.
Mark Sherman used to be known primarily as a consummate and energetic vibraphone player and, before that, as a drummer. In this outstanding formation with Joe Magnarelli's cocooning trumpet-playing, Stephan Kurmann's solid bass and the drummer Bernd Reiter's springy accompaniment, he also excels as a pianist who "speaks" a sophisticated, subtle musical language. In the tradition of 
hard bop, he interprets standards as well as playing his own compositions. With his spherical, open sound, Magnarelli is the perfect foil to Mark Sherman's subtle piano-playing. For this well-rehearsed quartet, emotions and depth rather than virtuosity are at the focus of their sumptuous sound.

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