Inclusion Day on 2 June 2024 "Being Seen"

This year's event is entitled «Being seen» and focuses on the theme of SIGHT as part of the National Disability Rights Action Days. The Inclusion Day focuses on people with visual impairments. Are you affected or curious to find out more? The diverse inclusive programme (in German only)  has something to offer for everyone!
Sunday, 2 June 2024, 11:30 am-5 pm
Free admission, no booking required


11.30 - 15.30 Uhr
Drop in-Workshop: Prägend zeichnen, tastend sehen!

11.30 - 12.30 Uhr
Sensibilisierungskurs und Selbsterfahrung zum Thema Taubblind:
Mit Spezialbrille und Oropax durchs Museum 


13.00 - 13.20 Uhr
Crashkurs: Lormen. Die Kommunikation mit taubblinden Menschen


13.30 - 14.30 Uhr
Führung mit dem neu erweiterten Tastwagen durchs Museum 


14.40 - 15.10 Uhr
Crashkurs: Braille. Das Blinden-Alphabet

15.30 - 16.00 Uhr
Wie erschliessen sich Petra Aldridge (blind) und Vivian Aldridge (sehend) gemeinsam eine Ausstellung?
Anzahl Teilnehmende beschränkt, Anmeldung vor Ort

16.00 - 16.30 Uhr
Austausch über die Kunst und das Leben mit Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen: Christian Schelker, Daniel Studer mit Hund Iggy, Davide Carmine Vasta, Laila Grillo, Paolo Fraschina, Peter Geiger und Robert Stuber.


16.40 - 17.00 Uhr 
Konzert mit Christina Lang (Gesang) und Friederike Chylek (E-Piano)
Die blinde Sopranistin Christina Lang ist seit vielen Jahren als Konzertsängerin tätig.

Private guided tours and workshops for seeing impaired and blind persons

Guided tours and workshops treating the collection or the temporary exhibitions. Topic and duration on demand, we try to accomodate your language preference. Workshop possible before the official opening hours.
Booking required: +41 61 688 92 70 oder via >> email here.

Public guided tours for seeing impaired and blind persons (in German)

We offer public guided tours for seeing impaired and blind persons through the Jean Tinguely collection, every now and then also through our temporary exhibitions. There are different artworks on focus on every date. So you can come every time and always explore something different.

No booking required. For tour participants the museum admission is free. Meeting point: info desk
Because the guide is catering for the group as a whole, we recommend bringing along an accompanying person.

>> Upcoming dates


We offer a number of audiodescription tracks in german on our website or on tablets that can be borrowed at the infodesk.

>> switch to German

Touch and being touched: Model of the museum building

The iron sculptor Jean-Marc Gaillard created a model of Museum Tinguely in the scale of approximately 1:85. It can be observed and touched. You can find it right outside the museum’s entry where it is permanently installed.

Inclusion day 2019

The Inclusion day on 10 November 2019 was all about seeing impairments.

Launch of the Hands on trolley and audiodescriptions | Guided tours with the Hands on trolley for seeing impaired and blind persons as well as in sign language | Creative workshop | Awareness workshops: Through the museum with a blindfold | Coffee Cart by Sehbehindertenhilfe Basel | Products by irides at our museum shop
