Practical information
In this video you find useful information for your visit at Museum Tinguely. In International Sign Language by Nicole Lubart.
Tuesday to Sunday 11 am to 6 pm
Open until 9 pm on Thursdays
Monday closed
Adults: 18 CHF
Students, people with disabilities: 12 CHF
Groups (more than 12 persons): 12 CHF
Paul Sacher-Anlage 1
4058 Basel
Museum: +41 61 681 93 20
Shop: +41 61 688 94 42
Bistro: +41 61 688 94 58
In this video you find useful information for your visit at Museum Tinguely. In International Sign Language by Nicole Lubart.
Nicole Lubart explains interesting facts about the surroundings and architecture of Museum Tinguely.
Nicole Lubart shares facts worth knowing on the biography of Swiss artist Jean Tinguely.
Nicole Lubart describes the artworks Méta-Matic No. 10, Mengele Dance of Death and Grosse Méta-Maxi-Maxi-Utopia.
You are cordially invited to the openings of our exhibitions. Bring your own translator and the Museum Tinguely will cover the expenses: tinguelybasel.notexisting@nodomain.comkunstvermittlung@roche.notexisting@nodomain.comcom
>> You would like to get informed about our openings and events?
Public guided tours in German sign language by Lua Leirner
Lua Leirner takes you on a tour in German sign language through the collection and the temporary exhibitions at Museum Tinguely.
Withouth registration. The admission is free for the participants of the tour. Meeting point: info desk
Private guided tours
The Museum offers guided tours in German sign language. A guided tour lasts 1-1.5 hours. Latest tour starts at 16:30. Size of group per tour max. 20 participants. Costs per guided tour CHF 150 plus the admission ticket at a reduced admission per person CHF 12. Payment to be made directly at the admission desk in cash or by credit card.
>> Book your guided tour in German sign language at Museum Tinguely
Guided tours by external persons
For security and organisation reasons, persons not employed by the museum are not authorised to offer guided tours. We are happy to organise tours for you with our guides. Thank you for your understanding.
School classes accompanied by teachers
School classes: free, registration compulsory.
>> Registration form for school classes
>> Rules for school visits
Lua Leirner shows our deaf audience from far and near the current special exhibition «Amuse-bouche. The Taste of Art» (19.2.-26.7.2020).
Lua Leirner shows our deaf audience from far and near the current special exhibition «Merci Seppi. A wonderful gift» (17.112021.-13.3.2022).
The interview is easy-to-read
Since when do you give guided tours in sign language at Museum Tinguely?
In January 2018 I was in Brazil. Suddenly I received an e-mail from Museum Tinguely.
Other people had recommended me.
Since then I have been doing tours at the Museum Tinguely in German sign language.
Whenever you are not at Museum Tinguely: What do you do?
I live and let others live.
What is your most beautiful memory at Museum Tinguely?
There is a highlight in every tour or exhibition. We can discover new things every time.
But I will always remember the Inclusion day 2018:
I was waiting for my small group.
Instead, a very big group with more than 30 visitors arrived.
The group was very diverse. There were:
My colleague from the museum was astonished.
She recommended: Split this big group into two groups.
This crowd overwhelmed me.
I wanted to try something new:
A guided tour for a big group in sign language and spoken language at once.
My group attracted attention at the museum.
We sometimes blocked the way for other visitors.
My participants got fascinated from the artworks by Jean Tinguely.
At the end, they gave me a big applause.
This is how deaf people applaud: They turn their hands forth and back over their heads.
It looked like butterflies.
I will never forget this.
>> Download the whole interview here
On the 11.11.2018 Museum Tinguely was dedicated to signs. An engaging day for hearing and as well as for deaf people. Sign language interpreters were present helping all visitors to connect with one another.