
25 April 2025, 4-6 pm

Roche 'n' Jazz | Piotr Wyle żoł Quartet

in cooperation with the bird's eye jazz club
Costs: museum admission

Piotr Wyleżoł (piano)
Andy Middleton (tenor/soprano saxes) 
Michał Barański (bass)
Ferenc Nemeth (drums)

Here is a quartet that captivates listeners with its gentle sounds and beautiful harmonies. Outstanding Polish pianist Piotr Wyleżoł fascinates audiences with his multi-layered musical language, creating an intimate atmosphere through mellow understatement. From the very first notes he conjures a deep soundscape that he nourishes and stimulates with his flowing technique. The great saxophonist Andy Middleton is the perfect counterpart with his gentle and caressing sound and his elegant, lyrical narrative approach. The band as a whole resembles a breathing organism, and along with subtle bassist Michał Barański and versatile drummer Ferenc Nemeth, each senses the other’s intentions and follows almost every musical mood with great intuition.

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