Jean Tinguely, Méta-Matic No. 17, 1959. View of Atelier Impasse Ronsin, Paris, ca. 1959. © Museum Tinguely, Basel. Photo: Hansjörg Stoecklin
Jean Tinguely Revisited: Critical Re-Readings and New Perspectives
20 - 22 March 2025
Organized by Dr. Sandra Beate Reimann with Roland Wetzel, Dr. Andres Pardey, Annja Müller-Alsbach, Tabea Panizzi and Andrea Absenger.
To mark the centenary of Jean Tinguely’s birth, Museum Tinguely will host the international conference Jean Tinguely Revisited: Critical Re-Readings and New Perspectives. The aim of this event is to encourage, discuss and publish new art-historical research and interdisciplinary analyses of the artist and his milieu. The conference’s principle objective is to critically reappraise Tinguely’s art in the light of today’s issues, theories and discourses.
Jean Tinguely building Die Mutter (The Mother) on the occassion of the exhibtion Tinguely, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, 1987, Photo: Leonardo Bezzola
Although Tinguely experienced his breakthrough as an artist in 1959 and was successfully pursuing an international career by 1960, his work has played a subordinate role in art-historical research for a long time. It was not until the first and especially the second decade of the twenty-first century that his work began to be studied and contextualized in art-historical research as well as in exhibition projects and accompanying catalog publications. Many aspects of his oeuvre have not been explored extensively or have yet to be examined at all. The artist’s pioneering achievements (including performativity, dissolution of sculpture into ephemeral occurrences, choice of material and criticism of consumerism, interactivity, and immersive situations), which in the late 1950s already had a decisive influence on the development and understanding of art, are not well known, considering that writing on the history of sculpture is essentially focused on the development of Minimalism and Postminimalism. At the same time, changes in discourse (performativity and event terms, actor-network theory, and machine concepts) provide scholars with an opportunity to view Tinguely’s work from a contemporary perspective and, most of all, to challenge it critically (especially in terms of gender, postcolonial discourse, as well as animal ethics and aesthetics). With this call, the Museum Tinguely would like to create a platform for the newest research on Tinguely’s oeuvre and inspire scholars to consider it in new ways.
With performances by Samia Halaby and Sam Belinfante the conference offers outstanding artistic contributions that invite those present to reflect on aspects of the kinetic, the mechanical and the performative.
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Thursday, 20 March 2025
Historical references and contextualizations
14:30 Welcome, Roland Wetzel, Director, Museum Tinguely
14:35 Introduction, Dr. Sandra Beate Reimann, Curator, Museum Tinguely
14:45 Ara H. Merjian, Professor Italian Studies and Affiliate of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University - Jean Tinguely’s Futures Past: Meta-Mechanics, Dynamism, Dysfunction
Moderation: Annja Müller-Alsbach, Curator, Conservator of works on paper, Museum Tinguely
15:20 Dr. Nicola Foster, Associate Professor (visual arts), University of Suffolk - Jean Tinguely at the Bachelor Machines (1975): the Machines and Masculinity and its Myths
Moderation: Till Langschied, artist
15:55 Coffee break
Panel: Painting and Kinetics
16:25 Dr. Sandra Beate Reimann, Curator, Museum Tinguely - Return to Almost Conventional Sculpture – Painting in Tinguely’s Kinetic Works
16:45 AnnMarie Perl, Research Scholar and Lecturer, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University - Spectacle empirique: Tinguely, the painter, in three acts
17:05 Discussion, Moderation: Dr. Andres Pardey, Vice-Director, Museum Tinguely
17:35 Break and snacks
18:00 Joint visit of the collection
19:00 Samia Halaby (Artist), Kevin Nathaniel Hylton (Music Director), Kinetic Painting Group, performance
19:30 Samia Halaby in conversation with Dr. Sandra Beate Reimann
Friday, 21 March 2025
Digging Deep. Tinguely in the light of today’s discourses
Panel: Animals and Bones
9:00 Dr. Fabiana Senkpiel, Institut Praktiken und Theorien der Künste, Hochschule der Künste Bern - Jean Tinguely’s Self-Portraits with Stuffed Birds
9:20 Christine Burger, PhD Student, Southern Methodist University, Dallas - Jean Tinguely Dreams of Electric Cows
9:40 Prof. Dr. Petra Lange-Berndt, Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Universität Hamburg - Beasts and Bones: Bones and Skulls as Material in Jean Tinguely’s Late Work
10:00 Discussion, Moderation: Giorgio Bloch, artist and art scholar
10:30 Coffee break
Panel: Letter Drawings, Collaboration and Gender Attributions
11:00 Dr. Anne Röhl, Universität Siegen - Tinguely and the Decorative: Reconsidering the Artist’s Letter Drawings
11:20 Anna Kipke, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg/Freie Universität - Witches, Carnival, Dance of Death. On the Artistic Collaboration between Eva Aeppli and Jean Tinguely
11:40 Discussion, Moderation: Till Langschied, artist
12:10 Lunch break
Panel: Approaches to a postcolonial questioning of the Baluba group of works
14:00 Dr. Sandra Beate Reimann, Curator, Museum Tinguely - Introduction to Tinguely’s Sculpture Group Baluba
14:10 Prof. Dr. Barbara Lange, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Tübingen - The ‘Urban Indian’. Tinguely and the Seemingly Wild
14:30 Professor Sarah Wilson, The Courtauld, University of London - From Dakar to Paris, Pioneering critique: Bernard Rancillac’s Dinner-Party of the Head-Hunters, 1966
14:50 Discussion, Moderation: Dr. Marie-laure Allain Bonilla, art historian, Basel
15:20 Coffee break
15:50 Roland Wetzel, Director, Museum Tinguely- The Museum as a Playground: Le Crocrodrome de Zig et Puce at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1977
Moderation: Giorgio Bloch, artist and art scholar
Panel: Performative actions
16:35 Federica Milano, PhD Candidate, Sorbonne Université - Paris IV, La Sapienza Università di Roma - ‘Afraid of Movement’: Entropy and Kinetics in Homage to New York
16:55 Dr. Toni Hildebrandt, Institut für Kunstgeschichte/Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Universität Bern -Pathos and Parody – Study for the End of the World No. 2 (1962) Between Discourse and Representability
17:15 Discussion, Moderation: Tabea Panizzi, Junior Curator, Museum Tinguely
18:00 Sam Belinfante, Artist, London - On Falling Short, performance lecture in collaboration with local musicians.
18:30 Sam Belinfante in conversation with Tabea Panizzi
Saturday, 22 March 2025
Tinguely’s thinking and networks
9:00 Dr. Jenny Körber, Universität Hamburg - Jean Tinguely’s Installation Cenodoxus – The Exposed Skeleton of Jesuit Theatre
Moderation: Dr. Leena Crasemann, independent art historian
9:35 Coffee break
Panel: Networks and Anarchy
10:05 Dr. Andres Pardey, Vice-Director, Museum Tinguely - Tinguely as Curator
10:25 Pierre Ruault, PhD student in contemporary art history, Université Rennes 2 - ‘Les hommes révoltés’: Revisiting the Friendly Exchanges of Pontus Hultén and Jean Tinguely Through the Cultural Anarchism of the 1950s
10:45 Georg Kreis, Historian, em. Prof., Universität Basel - In Search of the Political Tinguely
11:05 Discussion, Moderation: Roland Wetzel, Director, Museum Tinguely
11:35 Summary, Dr Sandra Beate Reimann, Curator, Museum Tinguely
11:45 Thanks and farewell, Roland Wetzel, Director, Museum Tinguely
Attending the conference:
Attendance is free of charge. Please register by 2 March 2025 by email to: tinguelybasel. conference@roche. com
Registration is not required for the performances.
>> Abstracts and CVs Speaker