sonic space basel @Tinguely - Replicas von Luigi Russolos «Intonarumori»
Free admission
11 world premieres by students of the Hochschule für Musik Basel for Luigi Russolo's futuristic Intonarumori, percussion and other instruments.
Russolo's Intonarumori (noise instruments) combine the spheres of music and the machine world. The tonal possibilities of these futuristic instruments, built around 1915, are deliberately archaic. For today's composers, they mark a boundary of music, which they explore in various ways, often much more subtly than the instruments would suggest. The peculiar expression of such sounds, which seem less musical, is strong - and radiates as an interesting inspiration to composing with conventional instruments.
The project was a collaboration between Christian Dierstein's percussion class and Caspar Johannes Walter's microtonality laboratory. Alejandro Serrigui initiated the reconstruction of an Intonarumori by the Cologne percussionist and instrument maker Thomas Meixner as part of his doctoral thesis, and a second reconstruction was carried out by Pablo Menes Escudero from the percussion class in Basel.
Pascal Renaud-Bovy, voice
Laura Kopřivová, transverse flute
Oriane Weyl, viola da gamba
Bianca Cucini, viola da gamba
Katja Meldre, violoncello
James Morley, violoncello
Kukka Lukkarinen, guitar, electric guitar
Flavio Banni, guitar, electric guitar
Alejandro Serrigui, percussion, Intonarumori
Antonio Gaggiano, percussion
Dániel Láposi, percussion, Intonarumori
Noah Rosen, percussion
Pablo Mena Escudero, percussion, Intonarumori
Santiago Villar Martín, percussion
Ábel Fazekas, percussion
Inbar Sharet, conductor
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