
Thursday, 27 February 2025, 11:30 am-1 pm

Workshop: Decolonize or Decolonization?

with Nasser Mufti,
in Collaboration with eikones Basel
Costs: museum admission, no booking required, in English

What is the difference between “decolonize,” a verb, and “decolonization,” a noun? What are the histories of these ideas, and what role have they played in the liberation movements of the 20th and 21st centuries?

20 November 2024 - 9 March 2025

String Figures / Fadenspiele

Stretched between eight fingers and two thumbs, sometimes between teeth and toes, loops of string make shapes. String figures can do many things: they tell stories, they pass the time, they make the unsayable showable, they connect people. As one of humanity’s oldest cultural practices, they have inspired artists, performers, ethnologists, and theorists. String figures have been studied as an aesthetic practice, collected as artifacts, and considered as a non-Western way of thinking.

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