
18 octobre 2024, 10h00-12h00

MPM-Day | La roue - et vous!

Tarif : billet d'entrée, sans réservation, en allemand
Programme sur

Heute öffnen wir die Türen für Sie schon früher. Mit Kaffee, Werkbetrachtungen und
Gesprächen in der Sammlung Jean Tinguely und eigenem Gestalten im Atelier verbringen
wir einen exklusiven Vormittag.

2023 - 8 février 2025

La roue = c'est tout. New permanent exhibition

According to Tinguely, ‘we live in a wheeled civilisation’. Even today, our lives are shaped largely by the relationship between man and machine and the resulting dependencies that Tinguely deconstructed with such relish. Now, for the first time since the museum was founded, its enlarged collection of Tinguely’s own works is to return to the great hall. There visitors will be able to discover the intricate and poetic early works, the explosive happenings and collaborations of the 1960s, and the musical, monumental and sombre works of Tinguely’s late period, all presented in an entertaining and eventful tour with many opportunities for hands-on participation.

>> Vers l'exposition
>> Calendrier d'événements